Sometimes we should to step outside our comfort zone once in a while to experience and find the inspiration by traveling around the world.

As I get older, the things that I want are starting to make more sense. Being able to travel around, get to know more peoples and do the things that make me happy.

Traveling sometimes can make me change my perspective on things. Hence, traveling can teach me to appreciate on something, on something that valuable more than I know.  (don't ya?)

“if you stay in the same zone, you won't be able to experience the differences”

... and yeah , I had visited a few places in Southeast Asia that I never planned about and it was fun. Starting with a group of friends to duos and to solo, never stopping me to discover a new place.

Ps:  for this 2018 a few places in the list

Phuket, Thailand


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
