Harry Potter and the Half- Bloode Prince

Last Friday I've watch Harry Potter movie in the da KLCC with my friends. Han, Yaya and also my trainer Shavy. Our movies was started at 8.30pm in da hall 1, wow.. massive crowded lol sehingakan ada yang salah hall gara-gara nak tengok cita ini. Apakah?? Mengapakah?? Best ke?? hahaha..

p/s: u guys pi la tengok sendiri...

By the way, before watch the movie we are go to shooping, eating and snap..snap..snap.. picture. my trainer suka amik pic lol.. as a remembrance photo katanya.. she's a Phillipino and last of this month she'll back to Phillipine coz nk pe America. Well yeah, shes happy and also my friends and me..? oww sye menjadi juru camera for her.. hahaha pose HOt!!

Back to da story, This time what I feel the Harry potter so flat and pretty boring.. yeah I take 20minits sleep during story started hakakaka.. semua orang cakap cita kali ni kurenggg.. Dumbledore dead - time ne I sedih.. but overall I think just 3 1/2 star ( frm 5 ) for this movie dan rata-rata pengkritik dan pengundi yahoo.com memberikan B+ kapada movie ini.

oww.. oww.. whats going on..
explain to me pls..

your comment!!

P/s: sory pic kitorang tak dapat upload atas sebab2 teknikal.


gmbo yg last tu ahha ayoo!